This year we were blessed to celebrate Easter as a family on Good Friday! Adam and I both had the day off together (rarely happens) so we made a big Easter ham dinner, and had the parent's over for an evening of good food and good memories. The greatest thing about being home as a family this day? We got our entire garage organized-and I changed the living room around! I actually added a couch, and it looks more spacious now!
We decide to for-go the traditional Easter egg hunt, and focus more on family and Jesus. Adam sang a lovely song with a great group of guys at church, and the kids went to Sunday school, then hung out with me at the bookstore.
I will say that we did get invited to a friends' Easter egg hunt later that afternoon, and we were thrilled to go! Everyone that is, except Benjamin. He has really entered his "terrible two's" and has now perfected his blood curdling scream of anguish over not getting his way. This talent has pretty much shortened every outing we have had in the last week. It's been especially hard on Anthony and Skyanna, as we have to leave when Ben acts us. Example: at the park, after numerous times of removing Ben from the garbage cans, he continued to run back to them. If discipline at the park doesn't work, we have to go home. It's a bummer for the older two, but hopefully Ben will learn from these experiences.
I've added a few fun pics of the good times. No, we do not have a traditional happy day Easter photo for 2012-but we are for sure not a traditional family! I embrace these memories, and laugh openly at joy of raising strong willed kids! Also, I could not figure out the settings on this page, that is why none of the pics have captions on them. I will say that the one on the very top, with Ben "sneaking away" is the classic Ben move. He thinks we can't see him sneaking away to do something naughty.
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