This year the goal is to update our family blog more frequently! I am still trying to figure out how to get more pictures and cute stuff on my site, but that will come with time.
As February rolls in, we began to deal with the sickies, (do they ever end?). Skyanna has the flu with possible pneumonia, and we've got all three kiddos on tamaflu, to reduce their chances of catching it! Skyanna is a champ, and has beat the odds already! She is keeping fluids down this morning, and her fever is much lower. She got two shots yesterday, and barely batted an eye! We were advised to put her in the hospital over night, but vetoed that idea, preferring to keep tabs on her at home. She did great!
We have made out sun room into a second playroom, complete with rocking chair for mom, pillows for the kids, and art supplies. Once spring hits, we will be in that room daily!
Right now I am looking for some possible work outside of the home, it's not fun job searching! Grandma and Grandpa have generously offered to watch Benjamin if I find work, and I'm hoping to work days to be home with the kiddos after school. Best scenario would be to find work in a daycare, and bring Benjamin with me, but we'll see what opens up. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
This year as a family and as an individual, we are focusing on laughter, honesty, and perspective. How silly it is to get so caught up on the petty things in life, or the injustices of being human! The best things in life, and the most rewarding, are things that you work for, and the people you laugh with! I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I am free to be myself, laugh, and not conform to the mold society often places on people. I think this freedom also makes me a better mother, and able to laugh more with my kids. It is important to be very careful who and what you let into your life, and never forget, this life is meant to be lived victoriously!
More for later!
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