Monday, February 8, 2010

Book club cancelled for me this week...looking like Mom2Mom will be cancelled for me as well..back to isolation! Unless of course, I feel comfortable leaving Ben at home with grandma, but we'll see..he needs his mamma when he's sick! Girls, I'm putting together a prayer scrap book, super tiny, like 4x6 size, if anyone has scrap book page scraps, I'll take'm!! It's actually something we're doing in the mom2mom class, but looks like I'll be doing it from home. Ben still soooo sick, but oxegyn good. Anthony came home from school crying of a headache, and he has an ear infection, his first one! Please pray for Ben, he is so sick and lathargic and miserable, it's hard being little!
Yesterday I had another migraine that took me for a loop, and I'm so thankful it's gone! It seems that I have to be on my toes these days with all the germs going around.
Ooooh, babe crying, he's awake finally. Now will he eat for me???

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